Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Raspberry Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache

There are some food combinations that just seem meant to be...

Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Chips and Salsa.
Macaroni and Cheese.
Raspberries and Chocolate!

Yes, I do consider the pairing of raspberry and chocolate to be sheer genius.

I used fresh raspberries to make a seedless puree,
which flavors this cake and the buttercream frosting.
Then I topped it all with a dark chocolate ganache...a dynamic duo!

Start with a pint or two of luscious, fresh raspberries.

Rinse the raspberries and put them in a saucepan, heat over medium heat.
(There is no need to add any liquid.)
Stir occasionally, and they will break apart as they cook.
When the liquid starts to boil, mash them up with a spoon.

Remove from heat and strain the liquid through a fine mesh sieve...
and you have seedless puree!

Raspberry Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache

by Bird On A Cake

    Raspberry Cake
    • 1 cup unsalted butter (softened)
    • 2 cups granulated sugar
    • 4 eggs
    • 3 cups flour
    • 1 tablespoon baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 3 oz. Raspberry Jell-O powder
    • 1 cup milk
    • 2 teaspoons vanilla
    • 1/2 cup raspberry puree
    Raspberry Buttercream
    • 1 cup unsalted butter (softened)
    • 6 cups confectioners' sugar
    • 1 teaspoon clear vanilla
    • 1/3 cup raspberry puree
    Dark Chocolate Ganache
    • 1 cup dark chocolate chips
    • 1/2 cup whipping cream
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Raspberry Cake
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line the bottoms of three 8 inch round cake pans with wax paper, and spray the sides with cooking oil.

    In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time, mixing well after each. In another bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and Jell-O powder. Alternately add the dry ingredients and the milk to the batter, beginning and ending with the dry. Blend in vanilla and raspberry puree. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans.

    Bake for 20-25 minutes, until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow to cool on a rack.

    Raspberry Buttercream
    In large mixing bowl, mix butter and sugar on low speed until light and fluffy. Blend in raspberry puree and vanilla. If not desired consistency, add milk one tablespoon at a time. Keep covered.

    Dark Chocolate Ganache
    Place the chocolate chips in a metal bowl. Heat cream over medium heat. Watch it closely and immediately remove from heat when it starts to boil. Pour over chocolate chips. Let sit for 1 or 2 minutes. Then slowly stir the mixture. Continue to stir until all the chips have completely melted. Stir in the vanilla.

    Allow the ganache to cool and thicken before you use it. Let it sit at room temperature for an hour, or put in the refrigerator if you want to speed things up. Start pouring the ganache over the center of your frosted cake, slowly moving outward in circles. Smooth the top of the cake with an offset spatula.
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    I Heart Nap TimeWhipperberry


    1. Looks yummy Robin! I too like chocolate and raspberries together. I like to pipe a little ganache into fresh raspberries and decorate the cake with them. Then when someone bites into one, they get a little surprise.

    2. I tried pinning this recipe but the link didn't work. :(

    3. What a stunning cake! Love the pink. And the flavor combo too!

    4. Looks so yummy!!Raspberry and chocolate and DEFINITELY a fabulous combination!!! Please check out our edible goodies at :)

    5. Wonderful, as usual... :-)
      X Aurélie

    6. oh my holy yumminess! so i think when I made my ganache it was still too warm maybe so it was thin. what else could i have done wrong? mine did not drip down so beautifully. mine just dripped all the way down to the bottom and made an ugly brown puddle. a very deicious puddle, mind you, but still, a puddle. poo.

    7. Your cake looks AMAZINGly Delicious! You are very talented. Visiting from 36th ave link up :)

    8. Wow, this cake looks great! And delicious, too!! Liz

    9. Wow, Robin! That is really THE cake of cakes. Couldn't look any better, and your photography skills make it looke even yummier. (Even though I could say the same thing about a dozen other things on your website =)

    10. One of my favorite food combos! Beautiful colors too!

    11. Very pretty! I can never get my ganache to pour over the sides so perfectly!!

    12. That is one sexy looking cake! When I saw the picture I thought - Pretty but I'll never make something that hard - then I read the recipe & it doesn't really sound hard at all! I might just have to give it a try! Raspberry buttercream!!!!! Uh, yeah! Definitely!

    13. I want a piece right now! It looks sooooo good!

    14. You are so talented! This cake is perfect looking and I bet perfect tasting! I love how you used raspberries puree in the cake!

    15. I am inviting to share this with my blog hop, Show your Stuff:

    16. This is gorgeous..can't wait to try! Thanks.:)


    17. Absolutely gorgeous! I can only imagine how wonderful it tastes.


    18. Wow! This is a very eye-catching cake! So pretty and so fun. It sounds like delicious!

    19. Oh my goodness this cake is so beautiful. It would be the hit of any party! I love the combination of chocolate & rasberry too.

    20. This looks and sounds sooooo delcious! Mmmm! I'd be thrilled if you'd share this at my party; I think my readers would love it too!

    21. Ahh! This cake is SO beautiful, I dont know how you brought yourself to cut into it - it looks sooo yummy!

    22. Your ganache dripped absolutely perfectly. The cake doesn't even look real. What a fabulous cake!

    23. oh my goodness, that looks almost too good to eat. i said almost...i'd GLADly eat it!

    24. Looks great! We'd love to feature this on Email me at, if interested.

    25. Yum! This cake looks like it's to die for! Thanks for sharing!

    26. This looks absolutely delicious! The chocolate ganache dripping down the sides of the cake makes it even more tempting somehow!

    27. nice posting. thanks for sharing

    28. Your cakes look amazing! I would love to invite you to share this on Saturday Show and Tell: ( I know that my readers would appreciate this and some of your other posts. Thanks and have a great weekend.

    29. This is absolutely beautiful! Stopping by via 6 sisters Linky party!

    30. Oh, my lands! This looks divine! Adding it to my cake arsenal now! Oh, to find an excuse to make this cake this week....... {found you through I Heart Nap Time}

    31. I just saw this shared on Thrifty Decorating's page and I'm cracking up because I made a cake yesterday that looks nearly identical to this one! I think you and I have done this before where we've made really similar cakes at nearly the same time! Yours looks gorgeous!

    32. That is incredibly beautifuly yummy!

    33. Hi Robin this cake is so amazingly looking I wouldn't have the heart to cut into it and eat it! Beautiful! Came hopping over from Sugar and Slice party!...Gorgeous!
      Lizy at

    34. Hey I was reading your recipe because I'd been looking for a raspberry buttercream that's not made with egg whites... really hard to find. Anway, for the cake batter it says to add the strawberry puree but I didn't see that on the ingredient list. Wondering if it's a typo for the ingredients or for the instructions..

      1. That was a typo in the instructions, I just changed it to raspberry puree. Thanks for letting me know!

    35. Your cakes are always so gorgeous! I'm still trying to master how to get my ganache to looks so effortless and pretty!

    36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    37. Ok I see the problem now I just compared the printed version to the actual post and the recipes and instructions are a little different..


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