Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Perfectly Packaged Rose Cupcakes

Here are some pretty rose cupcakes that you can make for Mother's Day,
or for Teacher Appreciation Week.

I love making these buttercream roses...
they look impressive but are actually quite simple!
For these, I decided to add another color to the rose tips.

You will need a decorating bag fitted with a Wilton 1M tip.
Add some food coloring gel in a straight line, down the inside of your bag.
I used AmeriColor deep pink, which comes in a little squeeze bottle.

Fill the bag with your favorite frosting and twist the top closed.

Starting in the center of your cupcake,
pipe the frosting in a circular motion, moving toward the outside.

Now for some cute packaging!
I saw this idea on Pinterest, and had to try it.

9 oz. plastic cups are just the right size for cupcakes!
Simply hold the cupcake directly over the cup and drop it in.

Wrap each cup in some clear cellophane,
tie it closed with ribbon and you have perfectly packaged cupcakes!

To get the cupcake out, you can stab it with a fork and lift it up.


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  1. Great packaging idea!! I've never seen that before.

  2. really pretty. I love this technique.

  3. They are stunning! Simple and elegant. Love them! You will be very proud of my next post - hopefully I'll publish it tonight!

  4. Beautiful icing! And I love the packaging!

  5. These are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for sharing how to make them! ~tina

  6. Robin, these are stunning! How do you think of these things? I am in love with these roses and the packaging is perfection. Wish you were closer ~


  7. Those are very pretty and so perfect for my Mom.

  8. These are gorgeous!!! Everything about them is perfect. Thanks for the wonderful ideas!!!!!

  9. can you color any type of icing?

  10. That is so clever on your coloring! Always wondered how they did that. Also perfect packaging idea! Just hopping over to invite you to link up to my first ever blog hop:) Hoping to see you there.

  11. These are impressive! Looks difficult, but actually quite simple. Love it!

  12. How pretty Thanks for sharing. I hope I can do as good of a job as you. I hope you can come and share this at The Sunday Round Up Link Party, it open every Saturday night @
    Ps. New Follower

  13. Would make a lovely gift for many different occasions!

  14. found you on the fabulous friday link party - newest follower.


  15. I love everything from the frosting to the wrapping, great tips! Thanks so much for sharing and I am a new follower!!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. These do look super impressive and I think even I could handle this one! Next time I make cupcakes, I am trying it out for sure.

  17. I saw these on Edible crafts. They are so beautiful!! I love them in the cups too. That is so practical and cute. Thanks for sharing!


  18. Very cool. I'm sending this to my sister-in-law who is a fabulous chef! Her business is called "A Chef Of Your Own" (she cooks in your home) and I think she'll love the way you've packaged these pretties.

  19. Those look AMAZING! We would love for you to come share it at our weekly link party and enter to win a $50 gift card to Mikarose Clothing!

    The Sisters

  20. The cupcakes are very cute and the packaging is awesome. Thanks for sharing. Following you now, I couldn't resist since I have a love fore cake as well.


  21. So pretty, I love the icing and what a great idea for packaging

  22. I love the packaging idea! Your rose cupcakes are gorgeous!

  23. So cute. Wish I had seen it sooner.

  24. Wow these are just BEAUTIFUL! I love how you did the frosting, it's gorgeous and looks absolutely perfect! And what a GREAT way to package a cupcake, I love it!!! Thanks for sharing this!!

  25. Adorable! I'm sure they are delicious cupcakes on their own, but the packaging just makes them look even MORE appetizing!

  26. I have the same plate!!!! Got then for so many years and still use it almost everyday!

  27. Love this idea! Thank you for the tips!


  28. How can i take out the cupcake?

  29. How did you get the cupcake in with out ruining the frosting?

    1. To get them in the cup, I simply held the cupcake directly above it and dropped it in. To get them out, you can stab it with a fork and lift it right out. Enjoy! :0)

    2. I was wondering the same thing about how to get them out!! Thanks for sharing, I make cupcakes ALOT!!! I will be trying this very soon!!

  30. The packaging is absolutely gorgeous! And the icing technique really well explained. I must try it someday soon!

  31. very cute, but how do you get the cupcake out without making a mess?

    1. Just stab the cupcake with a fork and lift it out! :0)

  32. There's a cupcake shop near me that packages their cupcakes like that!

  33. Love how cute and easy this is! I included you on my latest post!

  34. This packaging is entirely wasteful. While it looks nice, plastic is bad for the environment. Even if you are washing and re-using the plastic cups it is a terrible idea because I know you are not washing and re-using the cellophane. Your cupcakes are beautiful -- now, please use your abundant creativity to come up with ecologically responsible packaging: the earth will thank you.

    1. FYI. Some, if not all, of the components used to produce the pc/laptop/phone, you used to type your comment have already added to the world's pollution problem. No doubt a lot of those components will also end up in landfills. Instead of wasting your abundant wisdom on us mere mortals, why not redirect your energies and to come up with more ecologically responsible forms of technological communication? WE will think YOU! That is all.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's called recycling. To be nasty somewhere else.

  35. OH. MY. GOSH!!!!! I found you via Build A Menu's FB page.

    My daughter has Celiac Disease, so every time she goes to a birthday party, she needs to bring along her own gluten-free cupcake. She also has Type 1 Diabetes, and needs insulin for every carbohydrate she eats or drinks.

    Her cupcakes often end up squished with part of the icing swiped off by the time we get there...which means I'm often guessing at how many carbs to subtract to make sure she gets the correct dose of insulin.

    Such a simple trick for a complicated dilemma!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  36. For the packaging, did you use a flat square of clear cello or a bag? What size? I love this idea! I'm thinking of doing cupcake favors for my son's baptism party. Thanks!

    1. I have a large roll of cellophane (from Dollar Tree), and I cut squares out of it. I didn't measure, just cut one out and used it as a template for more. A bag would probably work too, I haven't tried that!

  37. I bought a cupcake once and the lady put it on the lid of a plastic cup and placed the cup on top of it....easy to get the cupcake out when you open. Thought it was such a good idea.

  38. That's such a beautiful way to make roses have just a slight tint to it! Also, about the packaging way, just an idea, but I actually put the cupcake on a square piece of cellophane and then put the cup upside down over the cupcake (like a snow globe. That way, when people open the packaging, they won't have to get icing stuck on their fingers when they try to get the cupcake out.

    But yeah, I can't wait to try to decorate the cupcakes that way! Such a simple yet elegant way (:

  39. I wish I'd seen this earlier! I just made 6 dozen cupcakes for my 14 year old's JROTC bake sale and this would have been such an easy way to package!

  40. I tried this packaging for party favors - it was a HUGE hit! :)

  41. Love it! The whole thing!! :)

  42. I love this idea! Thank you so much for sharing!

  43. que hermosa encanto
    ya soy una mas de tus seguidoras

  44. Thank you for a wonderful tutorial! Mine didn't turn out as good as yours, but that's a good excuse to make more!!

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  46. That sounds like a pretty good idea. Thanks

  47. Hi there! I saw your cupcake packaging idea on Pinterest ages ago, and I finally got a chance to use it for my New Year's Cupcakes! Thanks :)

  48. I just did this with my best friend and they turned out so cute!!!! I love this idea! And it's so easy!

  49. Awesome content, such a wonderful icing. I really like everything from the icing to the wrap, excellent tips! Thanks so much for discussing and I am a new fan! That's such a wonderful way to create flowers have just a minor shade to it! That way, when individuals start the product packaging, they won't have to get icing trapped on their fingers when they consider to get the cupcake out. Packaging Market Reports

  50. This is such a simple and effective idea! I did something similar with my Christmas Hampers this year with some gold star shaped bowls I found in Tesco for home-made fudge and sweets, but never even though about individual cups for cupcakes! I'm definitely going to use this for a wedding later in the year! New follower and new fan! x

  51. So brilliant!! Both the two toned icing technique and the cup for the cupcake!!

  52. beautiful cupcake and love how perfectly it was packaged and yet so simple.. love how creative you are and for that reason I wanted to post this idea on my blog.. thank u so much for that idea..

  53. Thanks for the great idea on the packaging! This will work great for a school bake sale!

  54. I love the idea of packaging the cupcakes in the plastic cups. It makes it so much easier to give cupcakes as a party favor even. If you want more help planning a child's birthday a great site is

  55. I tried this technique his weekend and got good (not great) results because I am still new to piping! They got a lot of compliments but my swirls just were not as tight as yours!!! Anytime on how to get he icing in the bag without messing up the food coloring which in turn messes up the icing? I put the coloring on th crevace made by the disposable bag's seam but still made a mess and had to start over a lot !

  56. I love the packaging of the cupcakes.where did u get the cups

  57. This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm new at cupcake decorating, and this was so helpful.


  59. You have an amazing site, so glad I stumbled across it.

  60. :) cute soap and love the packing!
    i am planing to make some cupcake soap of my own and would love to know where you got your packing

  61. These are so, so, sooo pretty! I am so bad at piping it makes me sad, I can't even do a 1M decent swirl! These are so gorgeous, I wish I had the skill!


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